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The Metrics

The Vision Project proposes to hold public higher education accountable for achieving national leadership in the seven Vision-related outcomes by annually reporting our national standing with respect to each. Our rank will be reported in aggregated form for the three segments (community colleges, state universities, and University of Massachusetts) based on comparisons with groups of peer institutions in other states. It is our intention over time to integrate this report with the currently existing Performance Measurement Report, which already includes information on some of the outcomes associated with the Vision Project. There is still work to be done on how best to bring together these two aspects of public accountability.

These are the metrics approved by the Board of Higher Education for inclusion in the annual report on the Vision Project. Where possible data will be disaggregated by race/ethnicity, gender and economic status.







It should be noted that comparative data on other states are not currently available for all items on which we wish to report; however national data are sufficiently available to allow comparisons with other states with respect to at least one important metric associated with each of the Vision-related outcomes, and Massachusetts data can be used to supplement the national data and provide additional detail on our work in each area. It should also be noted that, wherever possible, all Vision Project metrics will be disaggregated by different student population groups, such as race/ethnicity, gender, and economic status. In the summary of metrics provided below, metrics related to the goal of achieving comparable results for subpopulations are included under each of the other outcomes.