New and Existing Certificate and Degree Programs

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New Certificate and Degree Programs (30 credits or more)

Degree and Certificate programs bearing 30 credits or more, must submit an LOI using the template provided below, and follow the procedures as defined and outlined in the Revised Public Program Review Procedures and Guidelines Handbook. After an LOI has been brought forward for action by the Academic Affairs Committee, a Full Proposal (Fast Track or Standard Review) is submitted to DHE using the template provided below.

New Certificate Programs (29 credits or less)

29 credits or less, new minors, concentrations, tracks, or options within existing approved programs

There are no changes to the public program review process for programs with fewer than 30 credits or for programs that are making a name change. A public college or university expecting to offer either (a) new certificate programs under 30 credits, or (b) new minors, concentrations, tracks, or options within existing approved programs, must notify the DHE in writing at least 60 days prior to announcing such program changes.  Notice must come from the institution’s Chief Academic Officer and be addressed to the Deputy Commissioner for Academic Affairs and Student Success. It should be sent electronically with documents in WORD DOC format, and include the rationale for the new certificate and a curriculum outline form.

Name Changes

There are no changes to the public program review process for changing the name of a program. Changes in the name of an existing program require approval by the DHE upon limited staff review. In submitting a name change request form, the institution should include curriculum information and the reason for the request. It also should be sent electronically with documents in WORD DOC format.

In submitting a name change request that would result in renaming an existing concentration (or minor) to a degree, also include for the preceding three years, program enrollment data by concentration, graduation data, alumni outcome data (job placement or enrollment in further study), copy of the accreditation review report received within the preceding three years, and the most recent accreditation status letter. The program accreditation must be from an accrediting body that is a member of the Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors. A curriculum outline form must also be included with the documentation.

Program Suspension, Discontinuation, Reactivation and Unanticipated Closures

When a program is being suspended, discontinued, or when external forces create circumstances resulting in an unanticipated closure, an institution must notify the Deputy Commissioner for Academic Affairs and Student Success. Similarly, if an institution determines that a suspended program will be reactivated, the Deputy must be notified. In all cases, institutions must follow the procedures detailed below and use the forms provided.


Program suspension is a temporary interruption of a program that will not have students enrolled in it and will be inactive when the suspension begins. If an institution suspends an academic program or a minor, concentration, track, or option within a program the suspension form must be submitted. When a program is suspended, it will be removed from the Board of Higher Education’s inventory of active, authorized programs. The program will remain dormant in the HEIRS database.


Program discontinuation is a permanent termination of a program that does not have students enrolled in it, and which has been previously suspended. If an institution has previously suspended a program that has remained dormant for 10 years or more and has determined that this program should be permanently discontinued, a Discontinuation from must be submitted. A discontinued program cannot be reactivated.


Program reactivation occurs when an institution determines that a program which has been suspended in the HEIRS data base warrants reactivation. Reactivation must occur within 10 years of the suspension notice or undergo the reapproval process. The Chief Academic Officer of the institution will provide formal notice to DHE’s Deputy for Academic Affairs and Student Success. The notice should provide the rationale for the change and be accompanied by the completed Reactivation, Curriculum Outline and Faculty forms.

Unanticipated Program Closure

Unanticipated Program Closure should obviously be avoided. When external circumstances create unexpected conditions whereby, an institution is forced to consider closing a program in which students are currently enrolled, an institutions must immediately contact the Deputy for Academic Affairs and Student Success to discuss the circumstances and engage DHE assistance. In this instance, it is critical that an institution contact the Deputy as far in advance as possible. DHE staff will provide support and assistance to the institution, ensuring that students impacted by an unanticipated program closure will be protected and provided with sufficient opportunities to complete their planned course of study. An institution must complete the Unanticipated Closure template for DHE review well in advance of program closure(s).

These changes do not require action by BHE, rather they are reviewed and approved internally by the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner for Academic Affairs and Student Success, or DHE staff.


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