To meet the future workforce needs of the state, the Department of Higher Education seeks to increase the overall percentage of Massachusetts residents with college degrees because of the strong correlation between high numbers of college graduates and strong economic performance. DHE is focusing on meeting workforce requirements in areas of greatest economic growth by strengthening student interest and reducing gaps for African-American, Latino and female students in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields.
Nursing & Allied Health Initiative: The Nursing & Allied Health Initiative is a partnership of the DHE, health care providers, and schools of nursing to raise the percentage of Massachusetts nurses who hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
Massachusetts Plan for Excellence in STEM Education: STEM Plan 2.0, Expanding the Pipeline for All: Massachusetts' Plan for Excellence in STEM Education, provides policymakers, educators, businesses, and parents with a common vision on how to move forward together to create a STEM literate citizenry that is informed and prepared to fill the needs of a new and ever changing innovative economy.
@Scale Initiative: The @Scale Project Initiative takes programs that have demonstrated success and effectively scales them by leveraging state grant money to secure funding from outside sources, especially the business community. A hallmark of @Scale is its coordinated plan for developing a portfolio of projects that span all four STEM fields, from elementary school through postsecondary education and into the workforce.
STEM Starter Academy: The STEM Starter Academy is an initiative of the Massachusetts community colleges to inform, engage, recruit, retain and graduate significantly more students through STEM Pathway programs leading to job placement or transfer to university STEM programs and careers
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