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MassTransfer A2B Degree
Associate to Bachelor’s

A2B Linked Education icon  A2B Linked Other

You chose to start at:

Springfield Technical Community College

A.S. Degree in Civil Engineering Technology

And transfer to:

University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Building & Construction Technology

Talk to an advisor:

Academic Advising and Transfer Center
(413) 755-4857

Talk to an advisor:

(413) 545-0222


Students should complete PHYS 221, ECON 101, and CHEM 111 as part of the associate degree.

What is A2B Linked Other?

MassTransfer seeks to reward community college students who complete associate degrees before they enroll at a state university or University of Massachusetts campus. Depending on your final GPA, students who complete the A2B Degree receive full transfer of credit, guaranteed admission, and a tuition discount. >> Learn more about the benefits of an A2B Degree

A Linked Other A2B Degree is a transfer agreement between a community college associate degree program and state university or UMass bachelor’s degree program that guarantees a minimum of 60 credits will be applied to your baccalaureate program. Unliked the standard Linked A2B Degree, Linked Other A2B Degrees do not include the MassTransfer General Education Foundation.

Although your credits are guaranteed to transfer, some may only transfer as electives. Talk to your advisor as soon as possible in the transfer process to plan ahead and ensure you take the right courses.