FY23 Budget for Massachusetts Public Higher Education

Governor Baker Signs Final FY23 Budget

The Conference Committee released its FY23 budget for the Department of Higher Education (DHE) as well as the base appropriations for the Community Colleges and the State Universities on Sunday, July 17, 2022. The Governor signed the bill with vetoes, which did not effect DHE appropriations, on July 27th. The DHE, community colleges, and state universities portion of the budget totals for FY23 are $937.7M, which is a $119.3M (15.2%) increase from FY22 GAA.

Similar to the FY23 BHE and Governor’s budget recommendations, the Conference Committee budget included funding for an additional increase in aid to students through the DHE’s scholarship programs. Other significant investments were made in the Higher Education Endowment Incentive Program as well as the Department’s Early College Programs through its Commonwealth Dual Enrollment and MA State Scholarship line item.

Regarding the Department’s appropriations

Overall, the Conference Committee budget for the DHE’s accounts total $257.9M, an $81.2M (45.9%) increase over the FY22 GAA.

Financial Aid

Student Success Initiatives


Next Steps

The final budget, also known as the General Appropriations Act (GAA), went into effect on July 1, 2022 when the 2023 Fiscal Year began. The FY23 budget process for the Department of Higher Education, community colleges, state universities, and UMass system will resume again in December 2022, when the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education issues its funding recommendations to the Executive Office of Education.

April 2023
House Budget
May 2023
Senate Budget
June 2023
Conference Committee Budget
July 2023
Final FY24 Budget