Commissioner Ortega: Views & Testimony

Commissioner Ortega

Commissioner Ortega’s Fall 2023 Update: Financial Aid Expansion, Tuition Equity and New Senior Team Members
December 11, 2023 This fall semester marks a year since I had the honor of joining the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education (DHE) as commissioner. This fall also commemorates the one-year anniversary of when voters went to the polls and supported the Fair Share Amendment, which brought historic levels of funding to higher education in the Commonwealth. Thanks to the Healey-Driscoll Administration, voters, legislators, advocates, and many students who have raised their voices, the past 12 months have accelerated our efforts toward truly affordable, high-quality postsecondary opportunity for all learners in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

100 Days Reflections
February 26, 2023 I recently passed the 100-day mark since I began as the Massachusetts Commissioner of Higher Education, and I’m taking it as an opportunity to offer some thoughts on my first three months and where I see us going from here

Commissioner Ortega Statement in Response to Supreme Court Decision on Race-Based Admissions
June 29, 2023 “We will be reviewing the decision carefully with our public and private higher education partners to identify policies and strategies in compliance with the law that will help continue to advance our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion,” Commissioner Ortega said

Meetings & Events

Oct 22

Board of Higher Education Meeting

Dec 3

Board of Higher Education Meeting

Jan 14

Board of Higher Education Meeting

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