Annual Report Requirements

Annually, institutions with programs approved for participation in the Police Career Incentive Pay Program (PCIPP) are required to submit to the Department of Higher Education two copies of a report reviewing the status of each of the institution's PCIPP-approved criminal justice and law enforcement programs. Through this report, an institution certifies that each of its approved criminal justice programs is being maintained and operated within the provisions and spirit of the criteria and guidelines set forth by the Board of Higher Education Guidelines for Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Programs. Status reports are due by November 30 each year.

The status report includes a program profile, faculty summary, FTE and enrollment data, and compliance information. Follow the two easy steps below for fulfilling the report requirements.

STEP 1: Complete both the fillable PCIPP Annual Report form and the faculty list

STEP 2: Email the completed forms (above) to the PCIPP staff at the Department of Higher Education at this email address:

Meetings & Events

Oct 15

Executive Committee Meeting

Oct 22

Board of Higher Education Meeting

Nov 25

Executive Committee Meeting