Student Board Member Positions


The Student Advisory Council (SAC) is an advisory committee to the Board of Higher Education (BHE) and is comprised of the student trustees and SGA Presidents from the community colleges, state universities and the University of Massachusetts. It is the responsibility of this Council to elect Executive Board Officers, consisting of a Vice Chair, Secretary/PR Chair and Parliamentarian/Policy Chair.

Role of the SAC Executive Board Officers are as follows:

The duties of the Vice Chairperson are as follows:

  1. To perform the duties of the Chairperson in the event of their absence or illness and assist in the preparation and conduct of the general business under the direction of the Chairperson;
  2. To serve as an ex officio voting member of all committees of which they are not a regular member.

The duties of the Parliamentarian/Policy Chair are as follows:

  1. To serve as Chair of the Policy Committee;
  2. To draft motions, resolutions and policy for the Executive Committee and SAC to review and approve;
  3. To advise on areas of policy that help move the SAC goals forward.

The duties of the Secretary/PR Chair are as follows:

  1. To serve as Chair the Public Relations Committee;
  2. To give written notice of all regular and special meeting of the Student Advisory Council, the committees, and to compile and distribute agendas thereof;
  3. To assist the Chairperson in scheduling and preparing agendas for other events including orientation for new members;
  4. To prepare the minutes of the meetings of the Student Advisory Council and to certify official documents and proceedings;
  5. To conduct correspondences on behalf of the Student Advisory Council and to certify official documents and proceedings;
  6. To perform duties not inconsistent with those prescribed time to time by the Chairperson.

Application Requirements

The deadline to apply for the SAC Executive Board Officer positions is October 4, 2024. Elections will take place at the October 17, 2024, SAC meeting. We will follow up with applicants directly, with the meeting time and details.


If you have questions please contact Nicole Johnson at

Meetings & Events

Oct 22

Board of Higher Education Meeting

Dec 3

Board of Higher Education Meeting

Jan 14

Board of Higher Education Meeting

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