Bunker Hill Community College

Photograph of participant students

Program Overview

The MAICEI program at Bunker Hill Community College has been in existence since January 2007.  We began as partners with the University of Massachusetts, Boston and took the lead in 2008. Students are chosen by high school counselors in conjunction with the Disabilities Coordinator at BHCC. Students who experience challenges in their learning but are interested and willing to learn and experience the college environment are excellent matches for the MAICEI program at Bunker Hill.

The majority of MAICEI students’ time at BHCC is spent in the classroom and then working with tutors after class. Recreational and gym facilities are most popular.  Some students utilize the gym; there is one who participated on Gospel Choir and continues to do so, even though he no longer attends classes. The program is administered by a Disabilities Coordinator and an Educational Coach, both of whom have been with the program since its inception.  There are student mentors each semester as well.

Student Spotlight: Katiana

Photograph of spotlighted student

Katiana has been attending Bunker Hill Community College for 5 semesters, since Fall 2016. She notes that when she was a senior in High School, she saw others who were attending BHCC and she wanted to try to too. Katiana tells us that she is a positive person and she loves coming to college! She feels that the grant has “connected with people I didn’t know, and it helps me to socialize with people in my community” . She also feels that attending college has helped her with her writing skills.

Kati works at T.J. Maxx when she is not in school, and she also volunteers as a Peer Leader for 5th graders, teaching and leading discussion about various topics, such as bullying and more. She has attended a Work Without Limits Conference for Employment possibilities and to “see opportunities”, as she puts it. This semester, Kati is taking a Vocal Performance course at BHCC, and she has already performed the song “Shenendoah” for her class. Her class will be giving a performance near the end of the semester for the College community as a whole. Her sister graduated from college and she feels like she is following in her footsteps and her goal is to enroll as a Matriculated College student eventually.

Campus Overview

Photograph of campus

Bunker Hill Community College serves as an educational and economic asset for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by offering associate degrees and certificate programs that prepare students for further education and fulfilling careers. Our students reflect our diverse local and global community, and the College integrates the strengths of many cultures, age groups, lifestyles and learning styles into the life of the institution. The College provides inclusive and affordable access to higher education, supports the success of all students, and forges vibrant partnerships and pathways with educational institutions, community organizations, and local businesses and industries.

Bunker Hill Community College empowers and inspires students, faculty, and staff diverse in identities, experiences and ideas to make meaningful contributions to our local and global communities. The College embodies a spirit of inquiry, critical thought, inclusive excellence, and lifelong learning.

Strategic Initiatives
Meetings & Events

Oct 22

Board of Higher Education Meeting

Dec 3

Board of Higher Education Meeting

Jan 14

Board of Higher Education Meeting

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