Holyoke Community College

Photograph of participant students

“The life changing experiences that occur when students are given the right to participate in self-discovery experiences, with same age peers in a post-secondary setting, is remarkable. I believe it is a right and not a privilege.”

—Sherry Elander, Transition Specialist, Westfield Public Schools

Program Overview

The Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Program at HCC has been actively providing dual enrollment opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities, ages 18-21, who have not passed the MCAS.  Students have the opportunity to participate in general college courses and are encouraged to participate in campus-wide activities and college life.  Courses are taken for credit or audit with accommodations and support services. The MAICEI Program began in 2007 and has grown to become a fully self-sustained program, which has supported over 90 students.

Students can use the experiences they gain at HCC to:

  • Build their independence and self-determination
  • Achieve their transition goals in a setting that is socially valued
  • Learn with their age-appropriate peers in a typical, integrated community environment
  • Balance their coursework with community-based internships and employment

High school students from Agawam, Belchertown, East Longmeadow, Hampshire Regional, Ware, and Westfield work with their transition teams in their districts to determine if the MAICEI Program is right for them. The MAICEI Program offers a range of academic and person-centered services in coordination with other supports on campus. These include:

  • Classroom and testing accommodations, assistive technology, and academic advising provided by the Office for Students with Disabilities & Deaf Services
  • Tutoring and academic support provided by the Center for Academic & Program Support
  • Career exploration and job search workshops provided by the Career Center

Students have full access to courses without prerequisites, as well as student clubs, social activities, technology and athletic facilities.

If you are interested in the MAICEI Program, please contact your high school transition specialist to discuss your eligibility. Once approved by your transition team, you will be encouraged to attend a campus tour led by an MAICEI Program Peer Mentor. After completing the HCC Early Admit Application, you'll have the opportunity to meet with staff from the MAICEI Program during a Person-Centered Planning session and intake meeting. Family members can also connect and receive support from the program's Parent Consultant.

Participating School Districts

For more information, contact:

Andrea Hojnacki
Massachusetts Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Initiative
Holyoke Community College
303 Homestead Avenue
Holyoke, MA  01040
(413) 552-2844

“Since the 6th grade I have wanted to go to college. It’s great that HCC has a program for students with special needs to go to college and have a coach go with you. I really love it here! I have a new passion for marketing. My professor shares her lecture notes and PowerPoint presentations on Moodle. I take notes because I am interested. I turn in my assignments before they are due. It makes me feel proud . . . like I proved to my family I am able to go to college!”

—Shannon Robitaille, Student

Student Spotlight: Ned

Photograph of spotlighted student

Ned is a 21-year-old student residing in Western Massachusetts. He started the MAICEI program at Holyoke Community College in the Fall of 2016, and this is his last semester attending HCC through MAICEI. Ned is a creative thinker and a conscientious student. He enjoys being actively involved in community service projects and advocating for students with disabilities. Ned has immersed himself in HCC’s campus community. He has been an active member of the Students on the Autism Spectrum Club, serves lunch to young students at an on-campus meal program, and is one of the first to sign up for community service events.

In addition to his work on campus, Ned is very involved with research and advocacy projects with the Think College Transition Team, based out of UMASS Boston. He recently served as a Key Note Speaker at the State of the Art (SOTA) Conference in November, 2017. Ned’s transcript includes Public Speaking, Introduction to Communication, Basic Still Photography, Pre-College English I, and Basic Mathematics. A passionate and dedicated learner, Ned has explored career paths in writing and journalism, photography, and has recently decided to pursue a degree in Business and Marketing.

Throughout his experiences at HCC, Ned has developed increasingly more dedicated to serving as an advocate for young adults with disabilities. He hopes to make a positive impact on the community, encouraging individuals with disabilities to take risks and become self-determined adults, and to illuminate businesses and organizations on the strengths and qualities of adults with disabilities. Those who know Ned would agree, he exudes determination, resilience, and an undying curiosity about people and their relationships within their community. Ned plans to matriculate to HCC this fall and pursue an Associate’s Degree, continue to work part-time, and spend time with friends.

“This out-of-district placement is the best deal in town given the level of program support and the development of independence and self-determination in our students. Participation in college courses at HCC helps students achieve their post-secondary vision and meets the needs of both students’ and school districts’ transition goals.”

—Joyce Butler, Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Campus Overview

Photograph of campus

Located in Western Massachusetts' scenic Pioneer Valley, Holyoke Community College draws students from more than 70 cities and towns throughout the region and from beyond. As a gateway to quality, accessible education and career advancement, more than 10,000 students are currently enrolled to realize their dreams and aspirations. HCC’s focus on inspiring futures and innovative approach to student success is reflected in the culture of the institution, as demonstrated by campus facilities, the wide variety of service delivery methods, and the assortment of services to address the specific needs for all learners. Since its inception over half a century ago, the College has excelled at serving transfer-oriented students and is today widely recognized for the quality of its liberal arts, fine and performing arts, and career transfer programs.

Strategic Initiatives
Meetings & Events

Oct 22

Board of Higher Education Meeting

Dec 3

Board of Higher Education Meeting

Jan 14

Board of Higher Education Meeting

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