Transitional Scholars Program at MassBay Community College

Program Overview

MassBay has had a self-sustaining program since 2014, called The Transitional Scholars Program. The Transitional Scholars Program at MassBay is a student centered program designed for transition age students with a documented intellectual disability. This program serves students typically between 18-22 years old, currently enrolled in their high school transition programs or transitioning from high school to post-secondary education. The Transitional Scholars Program is designed for students who are interested in taking one (1) college course per semester and accessing the program’s services for a maximum of three (3) years.

For more information:

Phoebe Bustamante
Transitional Scholars Program
Wellesley Hills Campus, Room 207
(781) 239-2625

Student Spotlight: Anna

Photograph of spotlighted student

Anna has been a wonderful addition to the Transitional Scholars Program at MassBay Community College. She is full of energy and enthusiasm and has the great skill of drawing other students into her circle. Anna is currently taking the course Career and Life Planning. She is excited to learn about useful skills for the work place as well as doing some career exploration.  Her favorite activity is to shoot baskets in the gym or work out in the Recreation and Wellness Center.

Anna is most proud of how she is making friends on campus. On her very first day, she was making plans to meet people at lunch and encouraging other students from the program to join her. She also is reaching out to peers in her classes.  She meets her new friends for lunch each day she is here.

One piece of advice Anna has for new students to the program is, “Don’t wait too long to get help.” She says you can find help at the Library or the Academic Achievement Center.  Anna is excited to join the Early Childhood Club, which fits with her long term goal of becoming a preschool teacher.

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